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It is most common to be raped in early adolescence, the teens or young adulthood, and rape is a vastly underreported crime: with women, it's estimated that less than 40% of rapes are reported overall (and amoung young people, substantially less than that), and with male victims, the rate of reporting primarily because a man who has been raped is often framed by other men as then being less of a man, or as a victim being "made" gay or into a woman is even lower. Most experts in sexual abuse and assault agree that certain aspects of culture designed and upheld by men, which many males often perpetuate, play a great part in enabling rape to all kinds of victims. In other words, a lot of the way masculinity is commonly defined, idealized and enacted is one very big why for rape being as common as it is, for rape being seen as such a minimal crime so often, and for rapists often being treated better by people than their victims are.. vibrators There were 4 of them there (twi...